AI Product Recommendations
Quickly & easily create AI Product Recommendation flavours that ensure customers receive product content closest to their taste.
Unlike ‘Black Box’ AI solutions you can customise the algorithm as required, without needing support from your data team.
The AI Product Recommendations in Reignite empower marketers to create their own recommendation content without the need for data teams, while also overcoming the limitations of generic AI algorithms.
Recommendation algorithms help customers discover relevant products for their next purchase – even when unrelated to their first purchase.
Create an algorithm in a few simple steps without waiting weeks for IT and data teams.
Customise the data, scoring and type of recommendation flavour to fit the needs of your business.
Bring in any data sources from page views and purchases, through to brochure requestsand enquiries to give the AI model the breadth of data to make the bes trecommendations.
Using these flavours alongside the ‘Recipe Builder’ gives marketers the ability to add their own merchandising rules around margin, categories and much more.
Quickly create recommendations across the whole customer lifecycle including what the customer is likely to buy next or what else they might add to their basket for their current order.
Check and test recommendations for specific customers to ensure your rules will translate into compelling product content in emails.
Simply copy and paste our tags into your email template.
Most AI solutions for email use the same data and algorithm for all users, no matter the industry or unique requirements of each client.
You want to get on and start implementing personalisation today without constraints of other teams slowing you down.
Using the personalisation features in your email platform requires lots of manual processes in each campaign.